The Royal Kingston United Services Institute (RKUSI) is an independent organization located in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. It is one of approximately twenty-seven United Services Institutes in Canada patterned on the Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies located at Whitehall in London. The object of RKUSI is the study of military science and fostering understanding of Canadian defence policy.
RKUSI was founded in 1925. Members are former or actively serving officers of the Canadian Armed Forces, RCMP, CSIS, veterans of allied forces, and interested civilians who support the objectives of the Institute.
Thursday, February 27 2025 1830 hours FFOM for 1900 hours Amiens Theatre, Fort Frontenac
Guest Speaker LGen Stephen Kelsey, Vice Chief of Defence Staff
Fort Frontenac Main Gate - Base Photo Sect, CFB Kingston
Regular Meetings:
The third Thursday of the each month from September to November and January to May from 7 pm to 9 pm with a variety of speakers on defence and/or security.